What you will learn with this BEE DVD
Learn about bee tools
Learning about beekeeping includes discovering new bee tools. We discuss them and explain how to use them. It's important to know what's the priority bee tools to start.
Catching bee colonies
Learn how to set up a catch box for the spring bees that are trekking. They need new places to stay. We show you how ot make them feel right at home.
How to Start a Bee Smoker & use it
Lots of beekeepers use too little or too much smoke from a bee smoker. Discover our method to get you best beekeeping results. What are the best fuels to burn to make quality smoke...
Optimise your honey production
We introduce you to ways to optimise your apiary and your bees to get the best work conditions for your bees and honey production.
Using honey harvesting equipment
What are the different ways to use honey harvesting equipment? Uncapping and extracting honey demonstration included.
5 of the Bee Pests and Diseases to know
Focus on these 5 Bee Pests and Diseases to avoid disaster. We discuss methods to protect and deal with the 5 top pests and diseases.
We practice natural beekeeping as much as possible. Allowing traditional but modern methods to enhance the beekeeping experience
Learning about the bees is something that teaches us about nature. I love the bush and the bees help me to better understand it.Easy Buzzing Bee Course
Love to work with bees and remove bees full time. Since training with Bee WARE I work with bees now.
Watch this amazing Bee DVD review
Take a sneak peak insight
Learn about bees after watching this sneak peak bee video..
Here's a short video introduction to the Bee DVD where you can get an idea of what to expect and more..
- Learn theory about starting to keep bees
- An introduction to the queen bee
- Understand some of the products you can make.

Watch it on your Computer or TV!
Learning about bees is just the start. .
Love the idea of beekeeping? Let's introduce you to the world of beekeeping via videos you can watch any time anywhere on your laptop or TV.
Looking for an online version? We got that covered! We will be launching an online version of the Bee DVD in a couple of weeks. Watch this space.
See it on your playstation, DVD player or laptop as many times as you like. Rewind, repeat and watch over and over.
We have some special Bee Training bundles for you
eBook Version
The standard edition
- Complete eBook
- Bonus Content
- Access to Downloads
- Reduced Price
- Additional eBooks
The standard edition
- Complete Bee DVD
- Bonus Content
- Access to Bee Training
- Reduced Price
- Additional content

The standard edition
- Complete DVD & eBook
- Bonus Content
- Access to Bee Training
- Reduced Price
- Additional eBooks

Limited Edition
The standard edition
- Online Videos & eBook
- More Bonus Content
- Access to Online Videos
- Reduced Price
- Additional eBook