Easy beekeeping comes with great protective clothing such as Bee Jackets!
Our bee jackets are from the waist up! You get the detachable veil with the bee jacket and the material is bull denim. The bee jacket is durable and costs less than the bee suit. You would still be required to wear jeans or other thick pants for protection on your legs. Boots are also recommended.
It takes a lot of protection when working African honeybees and make sure you always use good amount of smoker with a great bee smoker fuel from our friends at Wild Bee Fuel using natural bee smoker fuel to save rhino orphans!
The bee jacket comes with a bee veil and bee hood – is white in colour. It has a chest pocket. The wrist bands are of high quality. At any time you can wash the jacket separately from the veil or hat. All sizes are available.
Bee jackets designed by beekeepers for beekeepers in South Africa for African honeybees!
Beekeeping jackets are a great way to start beekeeping on a lower budget however with our African bees it is vital to wear thick jeans and other cotton t-shirt underneath. Make sure you are using bee smokers and really good smoker fuel… like Wild Bee Fuel from our friends…