For work with bees which requires a finer tactile control then a leather bee glove is recommended. Usually used when working with the queen or planning queen-rearing exercises. From R185 a pair
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Inner Gloves worn inside the PVC glove offer slightly added protection as well as helping to keep sweating down.
Place your order for 'THE' book on beekeeping also known as the Blue Book titled Beekeeping in South Africa. Click on order for more info.
Just about any work with bees and the hive can be done using PVC bee gloves. As mentioned above, it comes down to preference in most instances. One may also like to use inner gloves with these as the pvc tends to make your hands sweat and smell of rubber. From R185 a pair

Get the equipment. Essential equipment is available from our office in Midrand. Hives, hive tool, protective clothing & smoker make up the need-to-have list. Click here